The great thing about the Souk is 24/7 interactivity showcasing a variety of Regional creativity (radical inclusion at its finest).
If you are interested in participating, you have two weeks to get your proposals ready!
• Before you read any further, it’s important that you and your team have read and grasp the overall intent of the Souk:
• Larry’s speech from the GLC is a good way to tap into the collective consciousness around the Souk, like a 20 minute meditation, we highly encourage you to watch it!
• A quick read through of the Souk website will help galvanize your teams into the right direction, since this is a very different type of project in comparison to CORE.
What your proposal should include:
• An overview of how you intend to use the Souk space
• An estimate of your peak operating hours (primarily daytime, nighttime, or around-the-clock?)
• An interactivity plan
• A Leave No Trace (LNT) plan
• Desired amount of Souk space (12×12, 12×18, 12×24, 12×50)
• A rough sketch of how your space will be laid out
For more information, check in with your Regional Contact(s).
Deadline for proposals to BMHQ is Monday, June 9th at 10 PM Pacific Time